Before you bang your head on the wall… check this!

You know you are facing a solid problem when it takes several minutes to have it explained to someone else. You’re supposed to be the “expert” in your field, so there may or may not be anyone out there who can offer you a ready-to-use solution. If they exist, they are likely a competitor…so they won’t share, will they?

You are busy, your team is busy, everyone wants to help but there are so many layers to the issue…and so many fires to fight, so you decide to just put together a quick fix for now. If it works, great! Until next time…

The truth is, today, there is an overwhelming number of solutions available for any type of challenge you might have (big AND small). If all else fails, someone on youtube will “teach” you, and the world wide web is truly a gift when it comes to learning, and finding “hacks” of all types.

Let’s be honest though….first, you need to be sure of the real problem you have (technical, egos, capacity, fears, none/all of the above), and then you need to find all the related and relevant information, sift through the good stuff, and leave out the useless. This can take forever!

The last thing you want is to invest in something that sounds fantastic, then implement it, only to uncover more of the same issues. Worse…you can delay the decision to do anything at all…as this challenge keeps eating away at your morale, profits, and …if we’re entirely honest…a little of your self-worth.

Here is the thing….we, humans, are capable of just about anything, but life has geared us to be better at some than others because of practice, exposure, experience, etc. – perfectly normal, and that’s how things should be. What is going to matter moving forward though, is not really what you already know, but how you will react to the forever changing circumstances and challenges around you. As information is democratized, you no longer just need to have a solution or know stuff, you need the best solution (Overwhelm alert!), and you need to come to it fast! Plus, you won’t just need to re-invent and innovate now, you will likely need to again next quarter, next year, and if you really want to stay on top of your game….this process will continue forever! Cyclically.

Time to get comfortable!

So, are you setting yourself, and your team up for success in this permanent quest? Oh…that’s right, you wish you could, but you’re too busy firefighting… Ok, I get it, we’ve all been there, and here comes the good news: There is a system you can follow! Yes, I know…. I don’t know you, I don’t know what your problem is, how dare I say that there is a system for approaching it successfully? Before you call b/s…I’ll tell you why: This system has been used for centuries, recycled, re-branded, and re-used over time to make it relevant. It dates at least all the way back from the time of Socrates (that’s 4 centuries BC-old!), to date. It has led to incredible discoveries, innovations, and human-centric designs. So the question is: Are you ready to start using it in your context too?

We’re going to do a series of posts to go over parts of these approaches. Sign up below to make sure you get them first and do let us know what you think!


Therese Karitanyi is MD at Kemurashe is into creating systems and environments that allow big and small genius ideas to come to life

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