Gary says that a “Post Creative Strategist” is an important role for the future, is your company ready for this?

Gary Vaynerchuck has just released a post where he defines what a Post Creative Strategist is, and why it is an important new role, given the current media landscape. He defines the role in the context of creative agencies, but it seems to me that this applies to any company that’s producing content. Someone shouldContinueContinue reading “Gary says that a “Post Creative Strategist” is an important role for the future, is your company ready for this?”

On Rationalizing…and getting into the habit of calling yourself out

Here is a fun word: Rationalize. There are a few definitions out there, so here is the one I’m going with: To attempt to explain or justify (one’s own or another’s behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriateOxford Languages Right off the bat, I had a problem withContinueContinue reading “On Rationalizing…and getting into the habit of calling yourself out”


I have been coming across this word a lot lately…Will you join me in pondering its meaning? Here is a definition from the Cambridge dictionary online:  Respite: noun:”a pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant””a useful delay before something unpleasant happens” The word appears a couple of times in Ryan Holiday’s opinion piece calledContinueContinue reading ““Respite””

Step 4: Good enough!…For now?

This post is part of a series on innovation and problem-solving methods that starts here. We’ve ideated, expanded our horizons, conducted experiments, prototyped, tested…We have covered as many requirements as possible…we just might be ready to show our work…what now? The last step in our 4 methodologies say: Hmm….Act accordingly? Control? What Works? Doesn’t this allContinueContinue reading “Step 4: Good enough!…For now?”

Step 3: Let the dust settle

This post is part of a series on innovation and problem-solving methods that starts here. We’ve all tried something and later realized it was a pretty bad idea. Vision is always 20/20 in hindsight. If this uncertainty is a given, then somehow… there has to be a way to have the bad ideas without causing catastrophicContinueContinue reading “Step 3: Let the dust settle”

Step 2: Permission to Dare

This post is part of a series on innovation and problem-solving methods that starts here. In Step 1, we talked about asking questions, understanding the lay of the land with a new set of eyes, re-evaluating current circumstances from new perspectives by starting fresh, asking questions, and allowing all the dirty facts to come toContinueContinue reading “Step 2: Permission to Dare”

Step 1: What in the world is going on?

In the last post, I hinted to a system that has “led to incredible discoveries, innovations, and human-centric designs.” So what is it? I’d actually like to bring up 4 approaches. They are listed below roughly in the order that they were introduced to the world.  The Socratic Method The Scientific Method Design for SixContinueContinue reading “Step 1: What in the world is going on?”

Before you bang your head on the wall… check this!

You know you are facing a solid problem when it takes several minutes to have it explained to someone else. You’re supposed to be the “expert” in your field, so there may or may not be anyone out there who can offer you a ready-to-use solution. If they exist, they are likely a competitor…so theyContinueContinue reading “Before you bang your head on the wall… check this!”